This is a great question as there is a lot of misinformation on the internet about this topic. A short sale is recorded on your credit report as "debt settled for less than the amount owed." This typically will result in a relatively minor hit on your credit compared to a foreclosure or late payments on your mortgage. I say "typically" because it affects everyone's credit differently. The more established your credit, the less of an impact it will have on your score.
The reason you often hear and read that a short sale will drop your credit 100 points or more, is that, many people, when they do a short sale, stop making their mortgage payments. If you stop making your mortgage payments for 4 months, regardless of whether you do a short sale or not, 4 months of missed mortgage payments will have a significant negative impact on your credit. In other words, it is the missed mortgage payments that have the big impact on your credit, not the short sale itself.
With this said, if you are already behind on your payments, you have already incurred the majority of the hit that a short sale will have on your credit. Doing a successful short sale at this point will insure that your debt is settled with your If you are current on your payments and can stay current throughout the short sale process, you will save your credit to a large extent.
Finally, if you do stop making your mortgage payments, there are various credit repair agencies that can repair your credit by removing late payments from your credit report after a short sale.
There are several different scenarios with regard to whether or not you will owe federal income taxes on the loss the lender takes in a short sale.
When you do a short sale, your lender is agreeing to settle the debt on the property for less than the amount they are owed. The IRS therefore allows them to write off this loss, which is why your lender will send you a 1099-C after the short sale.
The IRS considers "debt relief" to be income for tax purposes. In other words, if your lender writes off $50,000 on your short sale, they will send you a 1099-C for that amount, and you would include that when you file your income taxes. The "C" stands for "Cancellation of Debt" and the law says cancelled debt is taxable as income.
There are however a few exceptions that most people who do a short sale qualify for that exclude them from having to pay taxes on their short sale.
Thanks to the Mortgage Tax Debt Relief Act that George W. Bush signed into law in January of 2008, homeowners who do a short sale on their primary residence, and have a purchase money loan (in other words, they have not pulled cash out of their home with a cash-out refinance) pay no taxes on the loss that their lender incurs in a short sale.
Homeowners who have pulled out cash from their home but have put that money back into their home to "substantially improve" their home, also are excluded from taxes on the short sale.
All other short sale scenarios – if you pulled cash out on your primary residence but spent it on something other than upgrading your home or if you are doing a short sale on a second home or investment property – result in a taxable event unless you qualify for the "Insolvency" exclusion.
The IRS does not require you to pay taxes on the loss the lender takes in a short sale if, at the time of the short sale, you are insolvent. Insolvency means your debts (including your mortgage) exceed the value of all your assets. In other words, if, at the time of the short sale, you have more debt than you do money or assets, you are considered insolvent.
Many people who find themselves facing a short sale are in exactly this situation and are thus excluded from paying taxes on a short sale. I recommend you check with your CPA or accountant or go to the IRS website and look up IRS Form 982, which is the IRS form for debt relief and short sales. The IRS gives an explanation of "Insolvency" on this form.
Finally, the time period for The Mortgage Tax Debt Relief Act was originally only slated to go until the end of 2008, however it has now been extended to the end of 2012. And there is some discussion in Congress about extending this date further.
The primary advantage to doing a short sale vs. walking away and letting your home go to foreclosure is that in a short sale the debt is settled and you no longer owe the bank any money. If your home goes to foreclosure, you may still be liable for the deficiency in the event that the bank files a judicial foreclosure.
A secondary (but still very important) advantage is that in a short sale, your credit takes much less of a hit compared to a foreclosure. The impact on your credit will vary depending on how established your credit is at the time of the short sale or foreclosure.
Finally, Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac revised their guidelines in August of 2008 with regard to how they view borrowers who have filed bankruptcy, gone through foreclosure or done a short sale. Through these new guidelines, they are in effect severely penalizing those who go the route of foreclosure or bankruptcy, and rewarding or encouraging those who do short sales, which they view as the borrower doing the responsible thing in light of the circumstances.
Per recent Fannie Mae / Freddie Mac guidelines, borrowers who file bankruptcy or go through foreclosure have to wait up to 7 years to buy another home.
By contrast, the new guidelines stipulate only a 24 month waiting period after a short sale, so borrowers who do a short sale can buy again in just 2 years.
I have yet to hear a coherent argument for letting your home go to foreclosure vs. doing a successful short sale. Depending on whether you have a recourse or non-recourse loan, when you let your home go to foreclosure you either run the risk of being liable for the deficiency amount or liable for the income taxes on that loss.
Secondly, your credit will drop up to 400 points and you will not be able to buy a home or get any decent credit for up to 7 years.
Compare this with a short sale, in which the lender agrees to SETTLE the debt for less than the amount owed. If you have a recourse loan, you may be liable for income taxes on the lender's loss (just as in a foreclosure) but you will not be liable for the deficiency (and if you qualify for the "Insolvency" exclusion, you will avoid the income taxes as well).
Further, the loss that the lender takes in a short sale will be MUCH LESS than the loss the lender takes at the end of the foreclosure process. The foreclosure process takes months and months, at the end of which the lender has to process the property through its overwhelmed system (another 3 - 5 months) and then put the property back on the market, all while the market continues to drop.
Finally, the impact on your credit from a short sale will be significantly less than with a foreclosure and you will be able to buy again within 2 years, compared to up to a 7 year waiting period to buy a home after a foreclosure.
It is my belief that you will be best represented in a short sale by a competent, experienced real estate agent who works every day in the real estate business; will market your property aggressively in order to attract buyers; and who is experienced at doing short sales and negotiating with lenders. If you have questions about the tax implications of a short sale, it's recommend you seek the advice of a qualified CPA or tax accountant.
If you want to explore filing bankruptcy, it's recommend you seek the advice of a competent bankruptcy attorney. Call my office – I can recommend several.
With this said, a word of caution. Many attorneys seem to be preying on the fear and desperation of people facing foreclosure. Their websites use scare tactics to make people think that they would be crazy to do a short sale without first hiring an attorney. Their position is only attorneys are qualified to interpret a short sale approval.
Further, that hiring an attorney is a normal and accepted part of doing a short sale, like hiring an attorney for divorce proceedings. The bottom line is that this is just not the case. The overwhelming majority of short sales are conducted by real estate brokers who are experienced at negotiating with the lenders and charge NO UPFRONT FEES for their services.
Finally, many of these attorneys do not even negotiate the short sales themselves, and instead subcontract out all of the short sale negotiations. In my opinion, these short sale negotiation companies (known in the industry as "short sale mills") are absolutely the wrong entities to entrust with the negotiation of your short sale.
I will be negotiating the short sale and handle every aspect of the short sale process myself. I do not farm any part of the negotiations out to an outside company and recommend you be extremely skeptical of any agent or attorney who uses an outside company to handle their short sale negotiations.
Real estate agents and bankruptcy attorneys are solicited on a daily basis by the many "short sale negotiation" companies that have sprung up on the web over the past couple of years. For the agents or attorneys that use these companies, it's a very attractive set up: they just take the listing and refer the file out to the negotiation company, and wait to see what happens. The agent has invested almost no time or effort into the deal, so if it closes, great, they pay a referral fee to the negotiator and keep the rest of the commission.
If the negotiator tells them they couldn't get an approval, or that the bank wants an unreasonable amount of money for the property, or the bank wants the seller to sign a promissory note, well, the agent has invested almost no time or money into the deal, so…who's next? |
There are two types of bankruptcy commonly used by individuals – Chapter 7 ("Fresh Start") and Chapter 13 ("Wage Earner"). Chapter 7 can enable individual filers to wipe away debts such as credit card and medical bills so they can continue to make their mortgage payments.
Chapter 13 involves setting up a 3-5 year repayment plan to repay your debts.
Chapter 13 requires that you are earning a steady income, as you will be repaying all of your debt. Both have a very negative impact on your credit and remain on your credit report for 10 years.
Because of the new 2005 bankruptcy law, which raised the bar for people to qualify for Chapter 7 "fresh start" bankruptcy proceedings, fewer and fewer people pass the "means" test to qualify for Chapter 7 and for this reason can only qualify for Chapter 13 bankruptcy (a 3-5 year repayment plan).
While both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 can temporarily delay foreclosure proceedings, neither will allow you to keep your home unless you can bring your mortgage current.
Absolutely not. Many agents have no interest in doing short sales because they require a tremendous amount of time and expertise, and if you do not know what you are doing, they often go to foreclosure and then the agent does not get paid.
You get one shot at doing a short sale – if your agent does not know what they are doing and has not learned the many tricks to the trade, you will likely find yourself being asked to sign a promissory note or worse, be denied by your lender or lenders and go to foreclosure.
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